I Have Gratefully Received…

“I wanted to take a trip out west and fly fish in Montana I have gratefully received it”

The “I have gratefully received list” is one of my favorite parts of Gratitude, Manifesting, and all the other tricks of the Universe.

When I started reading up on how Gratitude changes your mindset, the law of attraction, and Manifesting, I never thought that I would be where I am now.

I am happier, I am grateful and most of all I am less stressed about everything, and you guessed it I am creating and doing the things that I want to.

On a recent trip out west, I was lucky enough to visit The Badlands, Yellowstone, Custer State Park, and The Grand Tetons. The beauty of the land and the simplicity of life put everything into perspective. There is something grander out there at work, it was aww inspiring, and standing there looking out over the Badlands you couldn’t help but surrender to the stillness of it all.

I took up fly fishing about five or six years ago for something to do with my son and fell in love. The one thing I knew I wanted to do while we were in Montana was to gear up and go out on the rivers.

We were having a rough go on Day 2 of the trip, and instead of succumbing to the nonsense (and that was exactly what it was). I focused on the beauty of the sky and stayed positive I knew it would turn around. I was not let down when we finally reached Montana the cabin we were staying in was within walking distance of the Madison River.

Madison River , Montana

I found my Happy Place, there is nothing like wading quietly into the clear water, the silence of the world around you, making the cast and slowly letting it drift, waiting, anticipating the strike. Then you realize you will be happy even if you don’t land the fish you hoped for, because the silence, the scenery, and the calmness fuel your soul, clear your mind, and allow you to slow down.

The point of this little post is to stay positive, when things go a little off course re-route it’s as simple as that. I could have thought the days would not get better, but I remained hopeful and re-routed my thoughts.

You can do the same!



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How Daily Affirmations Will Help Level Up Your Manifestations